Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Being a vegan in a non-vegan world

One of the most important things I had to do when I became vegetarian was telling my friends and family that I was vegetarian.  I did this not because it was anyones business but my own but because when I go out to eat with friends, or people invite me over to their house for a meal they need to know my new diet changes.

However, as many people find when they go vegan, they face a lot of backlash.  Many people don't understand and probably don't like that you have the self control to make the change.  I noticed that the people that were "against" me going vegan or those that make fun of me the most for eating weird foods and not believing I am getting the right nutrients are the people that have poor diets with very little variety.  Those that supported me the most were friends and family that were making their own changes in their diet to loose weight or get healthier.

But even if you cannot find anyone to support you whether it is family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend there are still so many sites online and chatrooms and facebook groups available for support.

The important thing to understand is to stay strong about your beliefs and hold your head high.  I have been put on the spot many times to explain the dairy and egg industries and the health benefits of being vegan.  It is difficult to answer these questions without making it sound like what everyone else is doing is wrong.  It is therefore important to emphasize that you do not judge anyone else for their eating diets, veganism is something you do for yourself and if they have any questions they should ask.

1 comment:

  1. Something that is happening is that veganism is coming, ever so slowly, into, if not the mainstream, at least into a more visible realm where people can see, via the many documentaries and celebs, the value of a plant-based diet. I, like you Jess, would love to have the people around me join me instead of questioning me. It's a tough road but I think people will see the value of better health, environment and an end to animal cruelty as more and more is getting out there.
